Hi, I am Dr. Mahek Bajpai. I am an IMG from India on my journey to the UK through the PLAB pathway. There are various information sources available on the internet regarding the steps that you have to take in order to practise medicine in the UK. But the very first step is clearing the language test. In this blog, I am going to talk about the IELTS exam- specifically the writing section- Task 2, as it is considered the most daunting. But with a little smart work and practise, it is doable.
What is IELTS?
International English Language Testing System- most popular English language test used across the world which tests your proficiency across four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking.
It is conducted in 2 modes:
-Computer based
-Pen and paper based
Writing Task-2 of IELTS- Format
1st line - General Opening statement relevant to topic
2nd line- Your opinion regarding the topic/ your stand.
3rd line- Brief outline of the remaining essay.
Should not be more than 2-3 paragraphs. Less is more.
Technique I used - 1 idea per paragraph. That is, brief your idea in the 1st line of paragraph. Extend it by giving details. Lastly, support it by adding relevant examples/ anecdotes.
Always use connectors between paragraphs (Example- To begin with…Moreover…Additionally / Firstly…Secondly…Lastly)
The most important part of the essay.
After reiterating the starting statement, enumerate all the ideas of each body paragraph and end it by reinforcing your opinion/ stand.
Conclude with a standout statement
What to do about Grammar and Vocabulary?
Many of the applicants struggle with the right word choices and being grammatically correct to impress the examiner. Well, here are few tips:
Add commonly used idioms and phrases to draw attention and emphasise your point
Do remember to use connectors in your essay to make it look structured and organised.
Do not aim for big words unless you do not understand the meaning of them completely.
Personal Tips
Always brainstorm your ideas for body paragraphs in the beginning and note them down roughly.
Dedicate time in writing your introduction and conclusion as they have the most impact.
Write the conclusion first, so that even if you run out of time in the end, your essay will not be incomplete.
Do not go with ready-made phrases for the writing part as the essay topic might surprise you.
Allot at least 5 mins for re-checking for spelling and grammatical errors.
Give 5-6 timed mocks before appearing for the exam.
A good structured essay will fetch you a higher band than the one with fancy words.
If you have any questions about the study material, I would be happy to answer them at trewlink.com. You can register using this link. Find me as Ambassador and follow my profile to receive regular support and advice.
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